Diet is such a dirty, overused word, "I am on a diet", so cliched - I am actually quite sick hearing the word. I am not sure if people actually know what it means. Atkins diet, whatever diets named after the faceless person that discovered the diet formula.
Anyway this word does not exist in my database. I think life is too short to be going on any diet. Dieting has become like a past time, a hobby. Just like shopping, you see something you fancy, you buy it. Dieting has become an extra curricular activity. "Oh I am bored and I should go on a diet because I am struggling to get into my Levis for the last half an hour, I need help with the zipper." Putting on extra weight to some is a strictly no-no. What makes me even sicker is when a person who weighs 45kg tells me she needs to control her food intake, because she is getting fat or become someone has complimented that she is FAT. If the "compliments" came from a loved one or someone he or she fancies, multiply that by 100. Huh lady, eeerrr where's the fat? Okay okay, we human beings are naturally insecure and tell me about it, I have hang ups too.
Human beings do need a certain amount of acceptable fats. Let me tell you, I have never gone on any diet. Dieting is all BS. I have seen colleagues and friends who have been on yo-yo diets, looking good babe for a month, only to put it all back and more...crazy little thing called diet. Didn't your doctor tell you to EAT EVERYTHING IN MODERATION. I eat, I sleep, I occasionally drink, I crave for my cravings, but you see I don't eat burgers everyday, I don't ring for pizzas every other day. If you have a heavy lunch, don't pig out at dinner time. The formula is so simple, EAT LIKE A KING AT BREAKFAST, I cannot remember whats for lunch but I know you should eat LIKE A PAUPER for dinner. I don't need to explain, you know why. I am slightly below my ideal weight and I do actually wish to increase my weight a little as I feel I will look better if I could fit into my clothes better.
I enjoy the pleasure of eating so I am not about to embark on any dieting plans, not now, not in the future. At present I think I still look pretty decent in my 2-piece swimwear. So I am going to keep things in status quo. I am still going to have my sinful indulgence, I am going home to have mum's signature babi chin, I will still not order skinny lattes as like my milk full cream.
I enjoy my kambing tulang soup, my vinegar pig trotters stew, my pork lard laden char kway teow, don't stop me cuz I ain't quitting on life.
So, don't be silly. Eat what you want, eat your greens, just stop sitting on your butt all day and you will be fine. Use the stairs occasionally instead of the escalator. Alight one bus stop earlier and walk home. Carry your son's bag, run with your dog, cycle to the mama shop, save some petrol and you may actually save money and gain some healthy cells.
Good luck on your diet...
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