Saturday, December 11, 2010
Its all about the Family
Some very very serious spending takes place at this time of the year, fat year end bonuses creating snake queues at cashiers, vacation teens working overtime, impatient shoppers waiting to have their gift wrapped are a sure sign that the economy is moving fast and fury. Guilty or doting parents snapping up the latest toys, making sure their children has the latest toy, not to be outdone by the geek next door. Year-end corporate dinners pumping up hotel profits, home parties decked with turkey, hams, log cakes, free pouring wines there's really reasons to be jolly...plain and simple. We want to be happy, even if its just for a while. But be prudent how often you swipe that little piece of plastic.
I love Christmas. For the simple reason that its less of a fuss than Chinese New Year. I am not being the pseudo westerner here but I think as a child, the memories I had, rushing to help mum set up the Christmas tree, to be mum's finest helper. As a child, you are not aware of spatial distribution, so I would have the part of decorating the tree with whispy sliver of cotton wool. I mean how fun can it be to rip open red packets, finding pieces of notes. We didn't understand the value of money, not knowing money could actually multiply if you put in the bank. Christmas comes with spirit of giving and receiving. If you ask me, I prefer to be on the giving end. It nice no doubt to receive a gift but to receive a great gift, I am not too sure, we always console ourselves that its the thought that counts. A great gift at this juncture of my life could be a car, doesn't come with a humble price tag. But a thoughtful gift goes a long way, a bag of coffee beans will send me to 7th heaven simply because you know I can never go by a day without coffee. There's a sense of happiness when you know the person is actually enjoying your gift. I can appreciate how one can succumb to a migraine just thinking what to buy for a loved one. That's why I configured, if you can't get a great gift for someone, don't just get one for the heck of it. I will thank you for not creating another piece of clutter in my home because recycling gift is not my style. I was thankful my family members agreed on a "gifts for children only". It was such a huge burden off, both monetary and psychologically. But today's children are really brats in sheep's clothing. They don't believe in hinting what they want anymore. Under my tree are two big boxes, I can tell you now, inside are 2 nerf guns picked up two weeks ago by my children, beautifully wrapped without an element of surprise. Now they are both absolutely disgusted that Christmas is still a few days away.
And speaking of gift wrapping, if there's one thing I could do after I retire, provided I don't suffer from arthritis, I wouldn't mind manning a gift wrapping counter. Although I know how it makes a huge difference between wrapping your gifts at home and wrapping before countless pairs of impatient gawking eyes. Gift wrapping could be rocket science for some, but don't be a scrooge, buy your own gift wrap paper, take it home, get your wife, girlfriend or mum to help. Women have a knack for such things. We are just better with cutting and pasting.
Its so easy to forget that you don't need to wait till Christmas, Valentine's day or a birthday to get someone a gift. Best when he or she is caught unaware. It does makes the recipient blush that you are thinking about him or her when no one else does. It doesn't have to be anything luxe, the simplest, most meaningful gift you'll ever give will be something given with your heart.
Christmas always conjures a sense of peace and serenity, although missing a fireplace, its always been more of a cosy celebration of the family, emulating the togetherness of the nativity....for me at least.
Gifts, feasting, trimmings are all just a fraction of the spirit of Christmas. Family members coming together to share a simple meal, catching up over mum's dishes, in my case celebrating daddy's birthday as well, to be able to spend yet another Christmas with my family should be the greatest Christmas gift I ever want. Bring on the Christmas cheer.
Joyeux Noël!
Monday, October 11, 2010
A MOM'S LIFE - Delia Ephron
Take your plate into the kitchen, please.
Take it downstairs when you go.
Don’t leave it there.
Take it upstairs.
Is that yours?
Don’t hit your brother.
I’m talking to you.
Just a minute, please. Can’t you see I’m talking?
I said, don’t interrupt.
What are you doing out of bed?
Go back to bed.
What do you mean, there’s nothing to do?
Go outside.
Read a book.
Turn it down.
Get off the phone.
Tell your friend you’ll call her back.
Right now.
Hello. No, she’s not home.
She’ll call you when she gets home.
Take a jacket. Take a sweater.
Take one anyway.
Someone left his shoes in front of the TV.
Get the toys out of the hall.
Get the toys out of the bathtub.
Get the toys off the stairs.
Do you realize that could kill someone?
Hurry up.
Hurry up. Everyone’s waiting.
I will count to ten and then we’re going without you.
Did you go to the bathroom?
If you don’t go, you’re not going.
I mean it.
Why didn’t you go before we left?
Can you hold it?
What’s going on back there?
Stop it.
I said, stop it!
I don’t want to hear about it.
Stop it or I’m taking you home right now.
That’s it. We’re going home.
Give me a kiss.
I need a hug.
Make your bed.
Clean up your room.
Set the table.
I need you to set the table.
Don’t tell me it’s not your turn.
Please move your chair up to the table.
Sit up.
Just try a little. You don’t have to eat the whole thing.
Stop playing and eat.
Would you watch what you’re doing?
Move your glass. It’s too close to the edge.
Watch it.
More what?
More please. That’s better.
Just eat one bite of salad.
You don’t always get what you want. That’s life.
Don’t argue with me. I’m not discussing this anymore.
Go to your room.
No, ten minutes are not up.
One more minute.
How many times have I told you, don’t do that.
Where did the cookies go?
Eat the old fruit before you eat the new fruit.
I’m not giving you mushrooms.
I’ve taken all the mushrooms out, see?
Is your homework done?
Stop yelling. If you want to ask me something, come here.
I’ll think about it.
Not now.
Ask your father.
We’ll see.
Don’t sit so close to the television.
It’s bad for your eyes.
Calm down.
Calm down and start over.
Is that the truth?
Fasten your seat belt.
Did everyone fasten their seat belts?
I’m sorry that’s the rule.
I’m sorry, that’s the rule.
I'm sorry, that's the rule!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
def: shortness of time or duration; briefness: the brevity of human lifeTo make a point, you yearn for a fun packed weekend as the work week had just been plain weary, all you needed is to have some interesting read by the pool, about lifestyles, motoring, cooking, food reviews or what a sommelier's last meal would be. Morbid. Then, on the front page of Sunday Times, reporting a hit and run accident in London causing an premature end to a young life all of 20. Not an ordinary girl she was, she was an exceptionally bright young lady pursuing medicine in Cambridge, a darling and star student that would do Singapore very proud. Probably a top notch surgeon after she graduates with top class honours. Nope, it was not meant to be. Wrong place, wrong time. She is dead. That gets you thinking A LOT. Brevity of life. Period.
I lost a classmate in 2006 to cancer. We met when when we were 14. Full of zest for life. She literally pranced while the little bells attached to her purse jingled as she walks. Her parents are food stall owners but in our 21 years of friendship, she never once brought us there to sample what her parents sold for a livelihood. Their daily takings that would eventually see her complete her university education in Singapore and then an all expense paid Europe trip as a reward. She should have been more proud of them than anything else that mattered to her. Among the five of us in our clique, she was the only one that made it to university. We knew she could go very far. As commerce was her strength, she worked for a local bank after graduation. She shared a Mercedes coupe with her husband. That was their baby. With her condition, she could never conceive. Not that she wanted to, as she is widely travelled, having children on tow, milk bottles and diapers would dampen (pun not intended) any trip. She wasn’t ready. The months preceding her departure, her husband continued piling her with overseas trips. She maintained normalcy, shopped for wigs, went for facials, and I remembered our last meal together with another close buddy. “Hey girls, when I am gone, you two must continue this makan thing ok, there’ll only be the two of you.” About a month later she didn’t know who we were. Brevity, she left us prematurely at 35. I was with her a day before she passed. I couldn’t understand life and why she wasn’t lucid anymore. I wanted to shake her so badly as I wanted her to know I was there to see her. Morphine was her only comfort. We took our leave reluctantly as her husband needed more time with her than us. But we knew that was the last we will see of her. Ironically, her husband remarried that same year. He gave us a whole new meaning to “move on in life”. I couldn’t fathom the logic and I obviously cannot count. I am side-tracking here, but its rather disturbing.
Why do I kiss my boys before they go to bed each night? God's agenda has and will always be a mystery. Kiss and make up, never go to bed feeling resentful over someone. Tomorrow may never come. Have you ever notice how lovely your babies are they are asleep. They are the most beautiful creatures. So serene, so innocent. God forbid, don’t ever take them away from me. That’s also why I tell them I love them forever and ever amen. Two and a half months ago, I received a rude call on a weekend informing me a student from my the school I worked at fell six floors from his apartment. But I just saw the boy on Friday? He was only ten and what was going to happen to his twin? They were inseparable and how would his mum feel? I cannot imagine a mother losing a child and I refuse to understand. The only word that came to mind was WHY? It was the saddest weekend ever. The twins were always playing “guess who am I” with me at the office during snack time. Pure and innocent. Taken with such cruel abruptness. No more guessing games and I don’t even know what to say to the remaining twin except for an uncomfortable hello. I miss the boy. I miss seeing them together.
Do not fret the small things. Make the trip to see your friends, relatives, visit mum and dad. You don’t need a reason to see them. Wanting to see them is already a reason. Life isn't a drama series, predictable and always at the same time and channel. Embrace the real time, the here and now. That is what matters. Procrastination gets you nowhere, only regrets.
You will reap a more meaningful life if you consider the fragility of life and its brevity. I have to stop now as I need to go tell me boys something….
Saturday, October 2, 2010
You Don't Bring Me Flowers....
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The Rain
I saw him looking at his watch and decided, since I was not busy with another patient, I would evaluate his wound. On exam, it was well healed, so I talked to one of the doctors, got the needed supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound.
While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment this morning, as he was in such a hurry.
The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to
the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife. I inquired as to her health.
He told me that she had been there
for a while and that she was a victim of Alzheimer's Disease.
As we talked, I asked if she would be upset if he was a bit late.
He replied that she no longer knew who he was, that she had not recognized him in five years now.I was surprised, and asked him,
'And you still go every
morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?' He smiled as he
patted my hand and said,
She doesn't
know me, but I still know who she is.'
I had to hold back
tears as he left, I had goose bumps on my arm, and thought,
That is the kind of love I want in my life.'
True love is
neither physical, nor romantic.
True love is an acceptance
of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.
With all the jokes and fun that are in e-mails, sometimes there is one that comes along that has an important message. This one I thought I could share with you.
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have.
I hope you share this with someone you
care about. I just did.
'Life isn't about
how to survive the storm,
But how to dance in the rain.'
We are all getting older
Tomorrow may be our turn
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Leading by Example...
I don't work in a high stress level environment, in fact I can say I consider myself at times overpaid, underworked (I hope my employer is not reading this). I guess I can conclude one thing, I do manage my workload given the same 9 hours everybody gets. I vaguely remembered having to cart home any work home on any given day. I spent 180 days a year in casual attire as there's only 180 school days a year when I need to wear "office attire"). No teachers, students, parents for the rest of the time. I only have to OT on some days when there's events happening at work, and never have I claimed a single cent on OT or rather correction "cannot claim. You gain some you lose some. Just drum it in; don't shortchange your employer. If I have to leave early one day to attend say a wedding, I 'd just have to put back the hours back on another day. Conscience clear. Period.
Money isn't everything. My first paycheck as a secretary was $800. Then, it was a gargantuan sum. I gave mummy a fix monthly allowance and gradually increased it over the years. After I got married and had my own family, I continued to give mummy what I still call till today "cake money". Mummy is a homemaker and she gets an income from her children, simple as that. That's only fair. Just a few days ago I was having a conversation with a friend and our topic of discussion was whether we should expect our children to take care of us in our later years. Are they obliged to in the first place? A generation ago, I would say yes, but I cannot say the same for the next. Never take your children as an investment. As with any investment, always factor in the element of risk. If the stocks are in your favour, you reap the rewards. Invest in a bad stock, you will be left all alone, but always make sure you have a contingency plan. Having a place, regardless the size, make it your own. Never live with the fear that your next night might be somewhere in the streets. Never take for granted that you will be well-liked by your children or your in-laws. It has happened, just look around. Some don't have a choice. So why are some people still blaming themselves if they feel they have failed in bring up their children well and have somewhere along the way forgotten to instilled in them some sense of filial piety.
I asked my son today if he was keen to go to Sydney some day. He curtly said no and instead wanted go to China. Before I could ask him why, he proceeded to say that he wanted the entire family to go together. All of us also means daddy, mummy, brother, uncle and grandma. For those who don't know me, I live in an extended family. On many occasion when we are discussing where we should go during the year end vacation, my mil (mother-in-law) would usually opt out should we decide to go to a "western" country. To her, her asssumption that all western food contains dairy which she finds revolting and will never find the place suitable if the cuisine does not suit her. So came the reply "so mama can also come with us". He knows his priority even at such a tender age. You can't help but love this kid.
I have showed my children what its like to live in an extended family, I wonder if they will want to do the same when its their turn to be parents themselves and have children of their own. Would they want me around to look after their children and cook a warm meal for them when they come home from work. Do the laundry, iron the school uniforms, among many other chores. Generation gaps prevails but if both parties are willing to see from each other's perspective, garner mutual respect for one's individuality, avoid being control freaks, I thing a lovely relationship can be possible.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Embracing 40....
People will also tend to ask you, so what have you achieved? In general, people will judge you on your career path, the kind of home you own, the car you drive, the bling you wear and what time piece you have on your wrist. Never will anyone ask how you have lived your life, how meaningful it was or have you made a difference to anyone around you. Sadly that's how it seems in the broader scheme in life. I have never been a go-getter. I hated Shenton Way life. My very first temp job was at Citibank and it was the coldest place to work and I don't mean the air con temperature. I quit after 2 weeks. I never fit in.
My sister was a flight attendant with SIA and I wasn't at all keen in leaving my parents alone and worrying about my sis and I should both of us decides to embrace the "great way to fly" slogan. They were desperate for crew members and standing at 1.63m, I am techinically 5cm overqualified. Mum was trying to discourage too by saying I was clumsy and would definitely overturn beer in that tight galley. She's right, I can be very "lun chun", meaning clumsy in Cantonese. There goes my "travel around the world" dream, whooosh, out of the window.
As a child, when I go to Daddy's office, Daddy was MD so I had total liberty to do whatever I can in his Somerset House office, the very building with the famous goreng pisang (I can still remember). I would roll a paper into the manual Olivetti and would pound away and type THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG. If you can master this sentence on the typewriter, you basically qualifies as a secretary or a typist. All 26 alphabets are there. I would then open the ink pads and stamps away with the rubber stamps which says URGENT, PAID, in red ink, black ink, blue ink and on the table much to my dad's dismay. I would sit on Daddy's director's chair and try to see how far back it goes without the chair toppling over. Yes, I can be naughty.
Along came a job opportunity at an international school to temp for a Principal's secretary who was off for maternity leave. What was to be a two month assignment became a 17 year assignment and still counting. Nevermind I had to do loads of mailing, typing, copying, meetings, answering queries from parents, teachers, students, I was happy. Not only I engage with adults, the international students I got to know and knowing I am their "Miss Sharon at the office" was enough for me. Some of them I have watched them grow from a Kindergarten child until their graduation in High School. I never wanted to go back to Shenton Way.
I have not seriously dated anyone so technically I never had an ex. I really liked a boy once for a long time in secondary school but he was just not available. He liked a girl name Karen. Then came junior college, again I liked a boy but he was interested in a girl name Caren. You know what, I hated that name for a really long think my name rhymes with it...There were a few boys in school whom I did go out with in groups though. I knew my tall dark handsome was a tall and unrealistic order so I scaled down my expectations cuz I knew I needed someone who could make me laugh, I didn't need a trophy boyfriend although having a gorgeous guy in your arms could make lots of girls eat maggots and cringe in pain. I didn't have a long checklist for my man. Someone to laugh with, takes care of me, loves his family, loves my family, loves me for who I am, was all it took for me to walk down the aisle with him. Next month we celebrate our 13th anniversary.
As a parting shot, coming back to the realities of successful and gracious ageing, you try to stretch and slow down the process of ageing. You get sucked into believing whitening creme will eradicate age spots and pigmentation. Colouring your hair is no longer a choice, you cope with loosening skin cellulite and droopy eyelids amongst other parts of the body that droops. Meanwhile, before I am become too challenging for photoshopping, I'd better book a make-over with Glamour Shot to freeze time, have a few nice shots for my children and grandchildren to remember me at my prime, I'd call it Sharon at its best. Bring it on, at 40, I think my life is just beginning.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Bryan Adams and Barbra Streisand - I Finally Found Someone
Music & My Life
I have always been exposed to music. In primary school I was in an emsemble, playing percussion, in secondary school I was in the choir and again in junior college, I became vice-president of the college choir. Participating in Singapore Youth Festivals in Victoria and Kallang Theatre and coming back with an award for the school was the order of the day, we gave it our best even if it was just a merit award, it was still an accolade. I enjoyed the rush that few seconds before we come on stage - which I really enjoyed. Quite recently I stumbled upon a catholic website looking for volunteers to sing carols for the prisoners at Changi. The very thought was refreshing - hey these inmates are also missing Christmas and shouldn't we bring some festivities to them, nevermind what crime they commited. I called them up and they immediately sent me a practice schedule (I guess not many are keen). Should be easy I know all my traditional carols, been singing them all my life. Thing is I needed a "kaki" to come with me, one who will not call me "siow" (crazy). She freaked me out and I lost the chance. But I think I will try again this year, kaki or no kaki, I can do this alone...definitely. Will see.
Dad introduced me to jazz and R&B. He bought Miles Davis and The Stylistics. Our family enjoyed a wide genre of music. Mum was more into country and western and was a regular at a record store in Holland V. Mag (my sister) and I bought every Donny and Marie album. there was. My favourites then were Andy Gibb, David Gates (who doesn't know Goodbye Girl), Bee Gees (ah ah ah ah Stayin Alive), ONJ, Soundtrack of Xanadu, Grease. Then came the 80s, Madonna (Lucky Star), Spandau Ballet (True), Duran Duran (Hungry Like a Wolf), Culture Club (Karma Chameleon), Wham (Wake Me Up Before You Go Go), you name it I got them all. I miss the vinyls, there were bulky, and lots of work to maintain their crisp sound. Humidity - their greatest enemy. I don't live in the east, so warped vinyls I don't encounter due to the salty air. Mould must be removed with alcohol wiped in one direction or you get crackling sound when the stylus hit the vinyl. Stylus cost a bomb and had to be treated with so much care. But I love the fuss but I also love the convenience of compact disc. With so much music ripping these days, I am glad to say I still buy CDs, I love to unravel the CD cases, tear the plastic film, examine the reflective CD and read the sleeve, knowing who the songs were written for makes it even more meaningful. Enjoying music encompass all the senses.
You know how certain songs reminds you of certain phases and milestones in your life? Whenever I hear "Hungry Eyes" by Eric Carmen, it will remind me of orientation at junior college. They kept playing this song in the hall during ice breakers. A boy I fancied liked the song by Reo Speedwagon "Can't Fight This Feeling" but he fancied this other girl who was prettier than me - how shallow..but I often associated this song to him.
Every couple has their song. I do have a song with Paul, Glen Medeiros' "Me Minus You Equals Blue", we had a verse from the opening line of the song...."with all my heart, I pledge my love forever" inscribed in our wedding invite and Barbara's Streisand & Bryan Adam's "I've Finally Found Someone" from the movie the Mirror Has Two Faces, which we used for our march in. Whenever the deejay plays our song, it just makes us relive the moment. Music and its power.
These days, I have lost touch with mainstream music, I cannot name one song from Beyonce, I don't know what a Green Day is and I don't tune in to 98.7FM. Instead I tune in to oldie mouldy Gold 90.5FM, I like familiar tunes, so I can hum along if not sing. Music do calm the nerves. Whenever I hear Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon and Garfunkel, I sense peace and I will never forget my principal Colleen getting me to rewind the VCR to this track before our faculty meeting and we had this song played while the teachers chilled for 3 mins before we start our weekly staff meeting. No one else will do this. Its radical, not work related but so effective. If ever I get to manage a team, I will take this useful tip with me.
I can live without TV but never without music. If I am ever trapped in an island alone, I hope I have my ipod but then what happens when the battery runs out.....? What's music to you? For me, I can't sleep without my radio, its that not an intimate relationship, what is? I already know what flowers I want at my funeral now I need to work on the music...hey you only die once, you better have some control over it. Taking about flowers, look out for my next post.
Monday, August 9, 2010
There's always time....
Thursday, July 29, 2010
To Cook or not to Cook?
Again fast forward to 2009, when the home I bought came with an oven, I got excited but it took me one year to actually pluck up the courage to jump start the oven. I decided to make marble cake. Phoon Huat was THE place to get all your baking stuff. I was disappointed. Marble cake didn't rise, and marble cake found its way to the bin. My oven was totalled. The problem was because it hasn't been used for a long time. So until I get someone from La Germania to check, I won't be near any baking accessories soon and I suspect I don't like washing the greasy tins as well.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
How Sweet It is to be Loved by You - James Taylor
I have enjoyed Sumiko Tan's column for many many years, happy she got the link, its really real, makes you want to fall in love all over again...
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Happiness Big and Small
Monday, July 19, 2010
Oh well...whatever....

This location was the exact same spot when Singapore opened its first McDonald's restaurant in 1979. That October day saw the worlds highest number of burgers sold in the world. Wondered if it ever made it to some Guinness book records. As we are so passionate about being No. 1 in anything and everything. Singaporean are in love with burgers, even better if its called PROSPERITY. Children are brain washed and dreaming of Happy Meals even when they are in their mummy's womb. No wonder every kid recognises the golden M. Then BK took over for many years and then Wendy's. The third burger franchise must have offended the Gods, swept the shop 3 days prior to the official opening, cruel fate but hey s**t happens. Now the area is lined with sandbags and last heard they ordered some more. Are they anticipating for the third sequel? Its popular to have sequels these days. For now its blaming session.
With the exceptionally high volume of precipitation Singapore has been experiencing in the past weeks, the people at the met station and especially the ones who are in charge flood gates and creating deeper and wider 'longkangs' better be worried. Cuz when the skies decides to cry buckets, you too will be scurrying for buckets to scoop the elements out of your shop. Renovation contractors please be advised that the current trend is to design your shop display at least 1.5m high. Nevermind if your customer cannot reach the calf leather handbag which cost the same as the gross domestic product of some third world country. You don't want to sell the Birkin for 90% discount, although some nut case would still buy soggy ones if they were for sale. Trivia since we are in the topic of Birkin bags, according to Wikipedia, its worth at least $10K (not sure which currency) and a 5 year waiting list...honestly the bag is ugly. The metal hardware is supposed to be gold plated or treated with anti- tarnish properties, takes 48 man hours to complete the bag. The inner lining is goat's skin, I hope the farmer extracted enough milk before from the goat before heading its way to the abbatoir.
So there you go, Singapore needed more drama, we don't have Richter scales, but we have very small scale flooding which hit the headlines and falling trees. I think another fallen tree at Yio Chu Kang Road claimed a victim today. This is Garden City for you, and I think we just shot ourselves in the foot.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
NDP 2010 Theme Song - "Song for Singapore" by Corrinne May!
Sharon Lee, you are in Chicago, but I know you heart is here. This is for you.
I miss my 3-room flat in Holland Close, I think you miss your Blk 24 Sin Ming Rd too...
..the piano, ahhh my Kawai...wonder who's got it....
Happy 45th Birthday Singapore...I know I am early...
We're Just Ordinary People
Click title for the video clip...great song enjoy yo!
Piano Version -
Shioker Version
Girl im in love with you
This ain't the honeymoon
Past the infatuation phase
Right in the thick of love
At times we get sick of love
It seems like we argue everyday
I know i misbehaved
And you made your mistakes
And we both still got room left to grow
And though love sometimes hurts
I still put you first
And we'll make this thing work
But I think we should take it slow
We're just ordinary people
We don't know which way to go
Cuz we're ordinary people
Maybe we should take it slow (Take it slow oh oh ohh)
This time we'll take it slow (Take it slow oh oh ohh)
This time we'll take it slow
[Verse 2]
This ain't a movie no
No fairy tale conclusion ya'll
It gets more confusing everyday
Sometimes it's heaven sent
Then we head back to hell again
We kiss and we make up on the way
I hang up you call
We rise and we fall
And we feel like just walking away
As our love advances
We take second chances
Though it's not a fantasy
I Still want you to stay
We're just ordinary people
We don't know which way to go
Cuz we're ordinary people
Maybe we should take it slow (Take it slow oh oh ohh)
This time we'll take it slow (Take it slow oh oh ohh)
This time we'll take it slow
[Verse 3]
Take it slow
Maybe we'll live and learn
Maybe we'll crash and burn
Maybe you'll stay, maybe you'll leave,
maybe you'll return
Maybe another fight
Maybe we won't survive
But maybe we'll grow
We never know baby youuuu and I
We're just ordinary people
We don't know which way to go
Cuz we're ordinary people
Maybe we should take it slow (Heyyy)
We're just ordinary people
We don't know which way to go
Cuz we're ordinary people
Maybe we should take it slow (Take it slow oh oh ohh)
This time we'll take it slow (Take it slow oh oh ohh)
This time we'll take it slow
Friday, July 9, 2010
Diet...the dirty word
Thursday, July 8, 2010
My Tryst with Food
Some restaurants/hawker (sorry very mean here) don't deserve to exist, I know they make a living selling you a decent meal but sorry bro, if you want to make a living by having people put your food in their mouths, you'd better make sure the person comes back for more, maybe not the next day but if your food is still a talking point within the next 24 hrs, you got it made, I think you have something to shout about. I can have cravings for chee cheong fun which cost $1.40. So my point here is that cost is irrelevant.
Here are some places I have returned for at least 3 times...its got some good stuff happening. I have not tasted everything on their menu but if their signature dishes are good enough for me, why explore the rest...cuz I am having that again on my next visit.
Something I need to say here is food is so much more enjoyable if you can partake with friends, people you care about. Those who are hermits and generally don't like people, then I feel very sorry for you. Afterall, eating involves all your senses, if you have great company to share a meal, that I think it is all that matters. Worse care, you and your friend can curse and swear together and embark to find the next food paradiso. I don't quite like to give ratings, so you can decide for yourself.
Beng Hiang Hokkien Restaurant
112-116 Amoy Street
Order: Kong Bak Pau, Oyster Omelette
Parking can be problem if you are not kiasu. Jackie Chan was here , but then again who cares.
Cafe Pralet by Creative Culinaire
17 Eng Hoon St #01-03 Eng Hoon Mansion (Tiong Bahru)
Order: Fish & Chips, wide selection of cakes. The cooking school is just adjacent.
Romano Ristorante
10 Jln Leban, Upp Thomson Rd
Order: Parma Ham Pizza
Quiet, family restaurant, never crowded. Pizza are fresh and service not fast as it is like a OMO.
Pete's Place b.1971 (voted one of the top restaurants in Singapore)
10-12 Scotts Road
Hyatt Regency Basement
Order: Chopino Seafood Pasta, good salad buffet, not for people who are claustrophobic - no windows in this dungeon.
Samy's @ Dempsey
2 Dempsey Road
Order: Fish head, Masala or Tandoori chicken, lime juice, teh masala. Warning: they try to upsell you with their sotong, prawn, they basically want to kill you with their knives. Free flow of papadums. If you are prudent you can get away with spending $20 for 2. Its possible but the order taker will give you a look that kind of translate to "cheapo ; ("
Ponggol Bak Chor Mee
Blk 209 Hougang Street 21
Order: what else Bak Chor Mee (see how some people are so good with just one arm, I have 2 and they are almost useless)
Happy Village (Tze Char)
81 Jalan Malu Malu
off Sembawang Road
Order: Special tofu with gingko & puay leng, nonya fishhead
Menya Shinchan Japanese Noodles
30 Robertson Quay
#01-05 Riverside View
Order: authentic upsized ramen, only go if you are ravenously hungry
Kushigin Japanese Rest
5 Koek Road #01-01 Cuppage Plaza
Order: Menu changes every week - heard LKY is a regular, and he is known to be a difficult man.
Order the set of the day. There's something about watching men cook, so take the counter seats, see the man in action...the word I had in mind was sexy.
Nanbantei Japanese Rest (Yakitori)
#05-132 Far East Plaza
Order: any bento set, I am repeating here - there's something about watching men cook, so take the counter seats, see the man in action...
Nasi Padang (so regular that I don't see their name) - I called it 125 Nasi Padang
Blk 125 Lor 1 Toa Payoh
Order: beef rendang, sambal eggplant, fried chicken. Go early or the staff from Philips Singapore is going to clean out the dishes. Try arriving by 1.30pm, they may compromise by selling you the gravy of what's left.
Chey Sua Carrot Cake
Blk 127 Lor 1 Toa Payoh Market
affectionately known to me as "ai tan hor" ie. "you need to wait okay?" - that's what she says every time I order my $3 plate. good luck on your wait on weekends...making small talk with the stall proprietor doesn't help if you are thinking of cutting queue...its still packed in the brown paper and raffia string.
Monday, July 5, 2010
I enjoy reading the Sunday Times Life section. That's the section I will grab first while I sip my Sunday brew. I envy Ignatius and Sumiko who write about things closest to their hearts and they get paid for doing that - that's so unfair. I know I am late and a newbie as you can see I am using the available template for my page, nothing fancy, cuz I am still learning to use this podium to post my thoughts. Feel free to comment, but be nice. I don't bite you, so don't bite me. Let's make this world a better place.