Saturday, June 25, 2011

My Bucket List

I am sure you heard the expression to "kick the bucket". Makes me ponder what will be in my bucket list. Its quite thought provoking. Its about things I want to do, goals I want to achieve, places I want to visit before I die. So inspired to start my very own list here. I have yet to have 10 most wanted things to do let alone 101 things to do. But I think 101 seems a good number to work on. It may not be some some out this world goals like visit NASA space station but little things like grow a plant, paint a picture, something so trivial yet I never got around to do it. I get caught up with daily routines and start giving myself all sorts of excuses. Then before you know it, I will start regretting not having done this or that after knowing how little days I have left in my life.

I am starting one now, just randomly recording things I wanna do at some point my life. It gives me some direction and meaning to my short existence on this earth.

Not in any order of isn't about rules remember
If there's any chance I can get some help in achieving these goals, I'd love to hear from you, could be a suggestion on a place to visit etc.

1. Take my mum and dad on a holiday
2. Own a convertible
3. Visit Holy Land
4. Sponsor an orphan
5. Write and publish a book
6. Decide on my final resting place
7. Make a time capsule for my boys
8. Renew my marriage vow
9. To tell someone "the hell with you"
10. The world is too big, so I wish to travel half the world instead
(I had dreams about São Paulo, so Brazil is a must)
11. Ride on a horse
12. To be on a Harley on a freeway (my hubby will not ride on a 2 wheeler ever)
13. Get on top of the Empire State Building
14. Go skinny dipping
15...... oh I think I can go on and on...this is fun...