Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How's it so far?

So I was told 2012 is THE YEAR FOR THE THOSE BORN IN THE YEAR OF THE BOAR. I had the maximum 5-star rating. A great year I was promised by a Chinese geomancer who read the highs and the lows of all the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs during a CNY programme. Black and blue is my auspicious colour (easy, at least they are not asking me to wear a fushia boa for good luck).

So much for a great start, spending the first few minutes on the throne, and now nursing a stubborn cough since the second day of the Lunar New Year. After I have wished and shook everyone's hands at the strike of midnight, I disappeared into my favourite room in the house. I emerged several minutes later wondering what I ate wrong and where my relatives were...they left.

Still coughing as I am typing this. I wonder what the year ahead is going to be like. I am liking it very much so far. The mood around the air is great,people around me are happy. Other than the cough, my cheeks are ruddy, hair is looking great, skin with a slight hint of the sun. I have been told to be cautious as those born in the year of the boar will be rather attractive...this year only.. so cash in or not? Not taking it literally of course but I knew what it meant. I could sense its going to be a pleasant year with less squabbles, a more harmonious ambience within the household. Less power struggle as I can see I am going to be the one to take the back seat and let others drive. I am tired and want to spend more time on me. I want to see my friends, see my aunt who is visiting from Australia, take my God-daughter for a meal, have ice cream with my buddies, travel with my family, do things at whims and at my fancy. My boys are independent, they need a break from mummy. She nags and at times erratic. That's me. I can be so predictable and unpredictable all at the same time.

Into my 40s officially, I have earned a certain right to be who I am. Take me as I am. Love me, love my imperfections. Perfection is such a ugly word, as life was never meant to be perfect. Those seeking for one is not for this world. Be thankful for who you are, be thankful for the people around you. You'll be amazed who could turn out to be your worst enemies and someone you least expects becomes your best friend through some unexpected turn of events. Treasure those people as your paths are meant to cross. Sometimes they will make you a better person through their outloook in life, through their sharing about parenting or becomes a mirror, someone to keep you in order. I could deal with that.

Other than this cough, I guess its been a great start. There's love in the air, the mood is good, career is stable, colleagues are great, why should I complain, and if it ain't broken, why fix it?

Whatever your zodiac say of you, keep it at the back of your head just like the occasional nagging you get from mum. Don't be foolish to place your last $100 at the casino just because your geomancer tells you to. Yes, I have been a foolish girl but have learnt from it that why I can now say this. Learn from mistakes but there's always the good and bad lurking side by side. Too bad, they need to coexist.

2011 was a great year, many happy moments to remember. That's already a part of history. Look ahead and seek new adventures. Be brave and take bold steps, big big strides. In retropect, you can dare say, "at least I tried".

Its going to be a busy year for all. A blog entry at the end of the month for a start. Afterall, its therapeutic for me. A way to unwind, recharge, download, offload my thoughts, to be in sync with the heart. That's all that matters and I know there'll be a few reading this.

Its late, I need to recharge, ready to face the world again.

Good night folks. Sweet dreams!
